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Frequently asked questions about rhinoplasty

If you are considering a rhinoplasty, many questions may come to mind about the procedure, the results, and the recovery process. At Blooming Plastic Surgery, we understand that you would like answers to these questions, which is why we have posted a section of frequently asked questions about rhinoplasty on our website.

We encourage you to read our frequently asked questions about rhinoplasty before scheduling a consultation at Blooming Plastic Surgery. This can help you better understand the procedure and ask targeted questions during your consultation. Our mission is to ensure that you receive the best possible care and that you are comfortable with your decision to undergo rhinoplasty.

In this section, you can find answers to common questions about rhinoplasty:

For the first few weeks, it is a good idea to reduce the pressure on your face by lying with your head a little higher. Put an extra pillow under your head or raise the headboard. We also recommend sleeping on your back as much as possible. This will minimize the pressure on your face.

For the final result, you will have to be patient: the recovery process is slow and depends on the structure and quality of your bone, cartilage and skin tissue. Usually the result can only be fully assessed after a year.

For the final result, you will have to be patient: the recovery process is slow and depends on the structure and quality of your bone, cartilage and skin tissue. Usually the result can only be fully assessed after a year.

Once we have corrected your nasal bridge, you will not be able to wear (sun) glasses that rest on the nasal bridge for the first six weeks. Are glasses necessary for you? Then together we will look for a suitable solution. For example, a plaster on your forehead on which the glasses can be supported.

In most cases, the plastic surgeon makes the incisions on the inside of the nose in the nasal mucosa. This way, no scars are visible. In some cases, an incision is needed under the nose. This scar heals inconspicuously.

It is wise to avoid busy environments and contact sports for the first few weeks after surgery. This will prevent damage to your nose.

At Blooming Plastic Surgery, we perform rhinoplasty under anesthesia. You won’t experience any pain during surgery this way. After surgery, your nose may feel sensitive. If desired, you may take a painkiller to suppress the pain.

After surgery, swelling and bruising occurs. Over the course of the week, this subsides again. One week after surgery you will return to our clinic to have the stitches removed. After removal of the stitches you may resume light activities. After six weeks you will be able to resume heavier physical activities.

This depends entirely on your needs. Are you only bothered by a large or bulbous tip of your nose? Then nose tip surgery is usually sufficient. If you do not like the length, width, position or shape of your nose, we usually recommend an extensive rhinoplasty.

When the plastic surgeon corrects only the tip of the nose, a full anesthesia is not necessary. With a few small injections beforehand, the surgeon numbs the area being treated. For an extensive rhinoplasty, we put you under general anesthesia.

We recommend that you rest for at least a week after an extensive rhinoplasty. After seven days, you will visit us for a checkup appointment where the plastic surgeon will remove the splint and stitches. A nose tip rhinoplasty is generally less invasive, allowing you to return to work sooner. However, even with this procedure you should be aware of swelling and bruising.

You recover faster when you:

  • takes adequate rest;
  • avoid sports and strenuous physical activity for the first six weeks;
  • Do not use makeup that can irritate the wounds;
  • Do not drink alcohol for the first week after surgery;
  • Leave the splint in place until the doctor’s checkup appointment;
  • sleep with an extra pillow for the first few days, reducing the pressure on the wounds;
  • do not let the wounds get wet when showering.

After an extensive rhinoplasty, the surgeon places a splint to protect the nose. You will wear this at least until the checkup appointment.

The first result of a rhinoplasty is already easy to see when you return after a week for the removal of the sutures, plasters and/or cap on the nose. You will immediately see in broad outline the shape changes you did it for! After two weeks, chances are that no one can tell that you have had surgery. Of course, the nose will still be slightly swollen from the surgery. After three months, we expect 95% of that swelling to be gone. Officially, scar tissue takes a year to fully mature.

If you have any other questions about rhinoplasty, please feel free to contact Blooming Plastic Surgery. Our knowledgeable surgeons and staff are here to answer all your questions and help you make an informed decision about your treatment.

More information about a rhinoplasty: