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Monday9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
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Facial surgery

Necklift facelift door Blooming Plastic Surgery


The neck lift is performed by a regular team of specialized plastic surgeons with years of experience in the field of facial surgery. The neck lift may be performed in conjunction with an S-lift or facelift. As you age or have lost a lot of weight, the skin in the neck may loosen. This creates excess skin. A neck lift provides relief for this so-called "turkey neck.
Ear correction facelift door Blooming Plastic Surgery

Ear correction

Een oorcorrectie kan een oplossing zijn, wanneer u zich onzeker of ongelukkig voelt met uw flaporen of afstaande oren. Voor sommige mensen zijn flaporen een vervelend verschijnsel met soms psychische problemen als gevolg. Met een oorcorrectie corrigeren wij de stand en vorm van uw afstaande oren, zodat uw onzekerheid compleet verdwijnt.
BehandelinformatieEar correction
Eyebrow lift botox behandeling door Blooming Plastic Surgery

Eyebrow lift

During a brow lift, we lift drooping eyebrows by removing excess skin above the brows. As you age, the skin on your forehead may sag, causing the position of your eyebrows to become lower. This can lead to decreased vision and feeling tired. In addition, drooping eyebrows give the face a tired appearance and an aged look. An eyebrow lift provides the solution to these complaints and restores your youthful and natural appearance.
BehandelinformatieEyebrow lift
Forehead lift botox behandeling door Blooming Plastic Surgery

Forehead lift

With a forehead lift or endoscopic forehead lift, we tighten the skin of your forehead and correct sagging eyebrows. Due to aging or heredity, the skin of your forehead may become saggy and slack. This creates a tired look and a heavy feeling on your eyebrows and eyelids. If you constantly have to raise your eyebrows, you know how tiring this is. To remedy this problem, we perform two types of forehead lifts: the endoscopic forehead lift and a traditional forehead lift.
BehandelinformatieForehead lift
Facelift facelift door Blooming Plastic Surgery


In a facelift, wrinkles and folds in the cheeks, neck and jawline are corrected. During the treatment, skin and underlying muscle and connective tissue are tightened and excess tissue is removed.
Rhinoplasty neuscorrectie door Blooming Plastic Surgery


Are you considering a nose job (rhinoplasty) because you feel your nose does not properly fit your face? Our plastic surgeons who specialize in rhinoplasty can change the size and shape of your nose to better fit your face.
Lower eyelid surgery botox behandeling door Blooming Plastic Surgery

Lower eyelid surgery

Een vermoeide, verouderde of boze gezichtsuitdrukking kan als erg vervelend ervaren worden. Door verslapping van uw onderoogleden of plaatselijke vocht- of vetophoping kunnen wallen ontstaan die zelfs wanneer u uitgerust bent, niet verdwijnen. Met een onderooglidcorrectie corrigeren onze plastisch chirurgen uw wallen of zware oogleden waardoor u weer een jongere en frissere uitstraling krijgt.
BehandelinformatieLower eyelid surgery
Upper eyelid surgery botox behandeling door Blooming Plastic Surgery

Upper eyelid surgery

Een chirurgische bovenooglidcorrectie voor het verhelpen van een vermoeide blik, verminderd zicht, hoofd- en nekpijnklachten als gevolg van hangende bovenoogleden of zware oogleden. With an upper eyelid surgery, we lift the skin at the top of the eyes to correct your symptoms and restore a fresh, open appearance.
BehandelinformatieUpper eyelid surgery
Eyelid surgery Ooglidcorrectie hero door Blooming Plastic Surgery

Eyelid surgery

Eyelid surgery involves correcting droopy, heavy eyelids or bags under the eyes (upper eyelid surgery and lower eyelid surgery, respectively. This can be done for aesthetic reasons, because both puffiness and drooping eyelids as well as heavy eyelids make you look tired and older or for medical reasons, because drooping eyelids can cause headaches and vision impairment.
BehandelinformatieEyelid surgery