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Our opening hours:

Monday9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Body Corrections

Liposuction bodylift door Blooming Plastic Surgery


Liposuction is the solution for disruptive fat deposits that you can't get rid of with exercise and a healthy diet. During liposuction treatment, localized fat on the body is removed. Our plastic surgeons use fine cannulas to suck away fat around your abdomen, hips, legs, arms, back, double chin or neck hump. This eliminates unwanted fat deposits and brings your body contours back into proportion.
Abdominoplasty bodylift door Blooming Plastic Surgery


A tummy tuck involves correcting a sagging abdomen. Due to slimming, pregnancy or aging, your abdominal wall may sag so much that a "hanging belly" develops. This can be corrected by removing excess skin, removing excess fat and possibly adding muscle.
Upper leg lift bovenbeenlift door Blooming Plastic Surgery

Upper leg lift

Due to extreme emaciation, pregnancies, aging or surgery, the skin and fat of the upper legs can become very saggy and wrinkly. Using a thigh lift or thigh lift, we tighten your sagging thigh skin. Using a medical term, this surgery is called dermolipectomy of the thighs.
BehandelinformatieUpper leg lift
Upper arm lift borstvergroting 71 door Blooming Plastic Surgery

Upper arm lift

Due to extreme emaciation, pregnancies, aging or surgery, the skin and fat of the upper arm can become very saggy and wrinkly. This can be corrected with plastic surgery: the upper arm lift. Using a medical term, this surgery is called dermolipectomy of the upper arms.
BehandelinformatieUpper arm lift