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Monday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
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Chin correction

A chin correction performed by an experienced and BIG-registered plastic surgeon With a chin correction we give your chin a desired shape and size. Do you have a short chin or does your chin run into your neck? Then a chin correction is a good solution. Based on your complaints and wishes, the plastic surgeon will assess whether you qualify for a chin augmentation or a chin reduction. After a chin correction, you will enjoy a chin that completely matches the rest of your face. On this page you can read more about the treatment, aftercare, risks and costs of the treatment.

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Confidence in Blooming

  • Safe environment
  • Reliable aftercare
  • Quality over quantity
  • Experienced specialists

The treatment process

What is the treatment process for a chin tuck?


General anesthesia

Operation duration

45 – 60 minutes

Recovery time

10 – 14 days

Before we start the treatment, you will visit us for an initial consultation. During this consultation you meet the plastic surgeon and discuss the entire process together. The following questions will be discussed:

Which chin correction is right for you?

  • What are the pros and cons of chin surgery?
  • What is the result after the treatment?
  • What are possible risks and complications of chin surgery?
  • What is the best aftercare for a speedy recovery?

A 100 euro consultation fee is charged for a consultation. These will be deducted from the final price of the treatment.

A chin augmentation is done under general anesthesia. The plastic surgeon makes a small incision under your chin or on the inside through the mouth. Through the incision, we insert the implant. Once the implant is in the right place, the surgeon sutures the wound and covers it with a band-aid. Minimal scarring occurs with an incision under your chin. With an incision through the inside of the mouth, no visible scars remain. However, the risk of infection is greater through this method of treatment.

After chin surgery, the area that was treated is blue and swollen. This is a normal reaction. The bruising often disappears after a few days. The swelling will persist for about four weeks. After an average of five to seven days, you will visit us at the clinic for a check-up appointment. We will also remove the plasters and stitches at that time. We recommend that you care for the scar with a scar cream. The plastic surgeon will be happy to inform you about this.

Our plastic surgeons have extensive experience in performing chin corrections. Despite our vast experience and expertise, we still feel it is important to inform you of any risks and complications. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We will be happy to help you!

In most cases, complications after chin surgery are very rare. These include post-op bleeding or wound infection. These complications are not serious, but they do slow down the healing process. Some complications after a chin correction may include:

  • Shifting of the implant
  • Encapsulation around the implant
  • Persistent numbness in your lip
  • Slackened muscle around the mouth
  • Pain
  • Post-bleeding
  • Infection
  • Allergic reaction to band-aids or sutures


After a chin correction, you should be aware of scars. At first, these are red and swollen, but this gradually decreases. Scars require one to one and a half years for complete healing. We recommend that you care for your scars with a scar cream.


For proper wound healing, it is important that you stop smoking prior to treatment. We advise you not to smoke at least six weeks before and six weeks after the chin correction. This will significantly reduce the risk of subsequent bleeding.

What does a chin correction cost?

Treatment Price Anesthesia Overnight
Implant chin correction € 4.720,- General anesthesia No

Result chin correction

“I was very bothered by the shape of my chin. Always when I looked in the mirror it was the first thing I noticed. After the chin correction, I feel much more confident.”

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you bothered by the size or shape of your chin? If so, you may qualify for a chin tuck.

At Blooming Plastic Surgery, we use chin prostheses that are made of silicone. This is because this type of material does not cause rejection symptoms.

It is important to take it easy for the first two weeks after surgery. After one to two weeks, you can slowly resume your activities. If you do heavy physical work, we recommend resting for four weeks.

After a chin correction, you should rest for a week to give the wound enough time to heal. Contact sports in which there is a possibility of damaging your chin should be avoided for a month.

Smoking has an adverse effect on your circulation. This is very important for a good recovery. We recommend that you stop smoking a few weeks before the treatment. Also after the treatment it is wise not to smoke. This increases the risk of infections.