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Monday9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Frequently asked questions about a brow lift

If you are considering undergoing a brow lift, we understand that many questions may arise about the procedure, the results and the recovery process. For this reason, Blooming Plastic Surgery has posted a frequently asked questions section about a brow lift on our website. We encourage you to review these questions before scheduling a consultation with us. This will help you better understand the procedure and ask targeted questions during your appointment with us. Our mission is to ensure that you receive the best possible care and that you feel comfortable with your decision to undergo a brow lift. Please feel free to contact us if you have further questions or would like more information about this treatment.

In this section, you can find answers to common questions about brow lift:

We do not recommend smoking during the days before surgery. Because the nicotine constricts your blood vessels, blood flow in your body decreases. This hinders your recovery after the procedure. It is also important that you avoid taking blood thinners and painkillers such as aspirin and ibuprofen in the days before the procedure.

The type of anesthesia used by the surgeon depends on the treatment method. Only the endoscopic forehead lift is always done under general anesthesia. For a direct or lateral brow lift, you can choose local anesthesia, sedation or general anesthesia. For the forehead lift, we never use local anesthesia. The surgeon always performs this procedure after you have been sedated with anesthesia or put under full anesthesia.

Although the chances of you experiencing a complication are very low, it is important that you are aware of the risks associated with the brow lift. During and after the brow lift, you may experience:

  • An infection of the wounds
  • Post-bleeding
  • Allergic reaction to ingredients in anesthetics
  • Accumulations of fluid around the eyes
  • Temporary numbness in the treated area
  • Thickening in the scar tissue
  • Dissatisfaction with the result

Ideally, you should keep a week of rest after a brow lift. Rest for at least the first three days. The area around your eyes will still be swollen and blue and/or red.

After the procedure, scabs form on the wounds. Once the scabs are gone, the best way to care for the scars is to apply scar cream regularly. After a year, the redness disappears and the scars turn a white color.

If you have any other questions about a brow lift, please feel free to contact Blooming Plastic Surgery. Our knowledgeable surgeons and staff are here to answer all your questions and help you make an informed decision about your treatment.

More information about an eyebrow lift: