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Our opening hours:

Monday9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Birthmark removal Bloemendaal


Local anesthesia

Operation duration

30 minutes

Recovery time

4 – 7 days

Why do Bloemendaal residents choose Blooming Plastic Surgery?

Residents of Bloemendaal choose Blooming Plastic Surgery to have their birthmark removed for a variety of reasons, including:

  1. Experience and expertise: The team at Blooming Plastic Surgery consists of highly qualified professionals with extensive experience in mole removal
  2. Personal approach: Each patient is treated with care and attention. The specialists take the time to explain the procedure and discuss any concerns.
  3. Technology: The clinic uses advanced technology and techniques for safe and effective birthmark removal.
  4. Safety Standards: Blooming Plastic Surgery maintains strict hygiene protocols and follows the highest safety standards.
  5. Aftercare: The clinic offers excellent aftercare, including follow-up appointments to monitor healing and answer any questions.
  6. Location: Located in Bloemendaal, the clinic is easily accessible to local residents.

Because of all these factors, Blooming Plastic Surgery is a popular choice among Bloemendaal residents looking to remove their birthmarks.

Blooming Plastische Chirurgie is een kliniek gespecialiseerd in plastische chirurgie die zich bevindt in Haarlem. Every day we deal with treatments in non-insured care where professionalism, high-quality care and personal attention are paramount. The clinic is part of the Plastic Surgery Beverwijk partnership. Our plastic surgeons in Haarlem have years of experience in performing mole removal treatments and are therefore happy to serve you. Professional care with a personal touch within a reliable environment is what we stand for. Your mole will be locally anesthetized and then removed by the plastic surgeon. There is always a close look at the skin lines first.

More information about removing a mole spot: